Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Christian Bale Terminates us Three times!

Not just one, but THREE new Terminator films are in the works. Perez and others are reporting that Christian Bale has signed up to play John Connor in all three of the sequels:

Christian has already begun filming the first film, Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins.

The film is set to debut on May 22, 2009.

Victor Kubicek of film company Halcyon, says Bale is "really an actor's actor, so we're very proud. Christian was our first choice and he's a big fan of The Terminator, so we're very lucky. But with Batman he's already done the whole franchise thing, so we weren't sure he'd respond."

Hey, as long as it pays big!

Apparently Bale fell so in love with the (money) script that he's already signed to make all three films.


  1. My dreams have come true! I can't wait for these!

  2. I cannot think of a more perfect adult John Connor than Christian Bale. He will be fantastic in these. Can't wait!
