Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sing 9 High C's. Repeat.

From the NY Times:
Ban on Solo Encores at the Met? Ban, What Ban?

After the tenor Juan Diego Flórez popped out his nine shining high C’s in “La Fille du Régiment” at the Metropolitan Opera on Monday night, the crowd rose and cheered. Mr. Flórez obliged with something not heard on the Met stage since 1994: a solo encore.

He sang the aria “Ah! Mes Amis” again, nailing the difficult note — a kind of tenor’s macho proving ground — nine more times. It was one of those thrilling moments that opera impresarios live for. Read the rest of the article.

Listen to the performance here, including the lengthy ovation!
Watch a video of the dress rehearsal performance here.


  1. Ah, those notes sent chills down my spine.

  2. I like listening to how the crowd goes nuts. It is thrilling, and as the article says, one of those truly rare moments in opera. It was so fantastic that the NY Times had the links to let you listen AND see the performance.

  3. Juan Diego is the hot young tenor of the moment, and not without good reason, after listening to that performance. Those high Cs are not easy to come by, let me assure you. The only other encore that I have heard of recently was the Met Chorus singing 'Va, Pensiero' twice during performances of Verdi's Nabucco a few years ago.
