My son clued me in to this!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
8-Bit Twilight Eclipse Interactive
Senator Amy Klobuchar Talks 'Twilight' With Elena Kagan
Who cares how Kagan will rule on gun control, the urgent question is where does she stand on Edward vs. Jacob!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Conan the Barbarian: The Musical (Arnold Schwarzenegger)
No lamentations from this woman! Awesome!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
A Trailer for Every Academy Award Winning Movie Ever
A Trailer for Every Academy Award Winning Movie Ever -- powered by
Friday, June 25, 2010
Kubrick vs. Scorsese
Kubrick vs Scorsese from Leandro Copperfield on Vimeo.
From Leonardo Copperfield:
Many friends after seeing my video "Tarantino vs Coen Brothers" requested me to do a new video duel of directors, so I decided to do now a tribute to my two favorite directors, Stanley Kubrick and Martin Scorsese, were 25 days re-watching 34 films, selected more than 500 scenes, and a hard work editing.
Note that he dedicated it to Roger Ebert.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Toyz Noize
Just saw Toy Story 3 and I'd give it 4 stars. Pixar are simply the masters!
It's My Birthday, Too, Yeah!
You say it's your birthday
It's my birthday, too, yeah!
Today is my birthday and I share it with Sir Paul McCartney(68), so this song has always had special meaning for me. Also, Roger Ebert(68) shares our day.
We're gonna have a good time
Now it's your birthday
Happy Birthday to you!!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
50 Years of the Psycho Shower Scene
Yesterday was the 50th anniversary of Psycho. This is a wonderful montage tribute to the famous shower scene!
Hat tip: My New Plaid Pants
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
NEVER LET ME GO Theatrical Trailer in HD 06/15/10 Mulligan Knightley Gar...
Wow, this looks amazing.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Ralph Macchio Intervention
Totally hilarious! I sat my kids down last week to see the original Karate Kid. He looks exactly the same. Exactly.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Happy Birthday Johnny Depp!
Can't wait to see Johnny as The Tourist next February (below pic). He recently wrapped filming that with Angelina in Europe, and is next off to Hawaii for the next Pirates flick.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Sex and the City 2 - Film Review
I saw Sex and the City 2 this past weekend with a gal pal, which is the only way to see it. And, contrary to many male reviews, the world as we know it did not come to an end.
If your expectations are not much more than watching an extended episode of the show, you won't be disappointed. The set piece of the gay wedding, complete with Liza Minelli singing and dancing to Beyonce's Single Ladies made it worth it.
The plot was not the most gripping, and at well over two hours, it was a bit bloated. There was plenty of eye candy for the ladies and the gay audience, but I can see why most men would find nothing to watch in the movie. But, I do take exception to the virulent reviews of the film. How many mindless explosion after car chase scene movies have I sat through -- aimed at every inner thirteen year old boy? Gee, the world didn't come to an end after GI Joe or Transformers 2. Women should be allowed their own mindless popcorn flicks.
I'd only give it 2 stars, but it was still a fun film to see with girlfriends, and there's not much out right now that fits that bill. Yes, you could wait to rent, but watch it with friends!
Which Villain Role Will Michael Fassbender Pick?
He’s being pursued, I hear, for two different Marvel comics movies. Matthew Vaughn is said to want him for “X Men: First Class.” Fassbender would play young Magneto, the precursor for Ian McKellen’s later character. James McAvoy is already signed to play Young Xavier.I'm leaning towards X-Men, because my head might explode to have James McAvoy and Michael in the same movie!
At the same time, Fassbender is being pursued to play the villain in “Spider Man 4,” aka “No Toby Maguire Here.”
Two different movies from Marvel, but two different studios: Fox for the first, and Columbia for the second. He can’t do both.
Also, Fassinating Fassbender scored a phone interview with the man himself, and he discussed finishing Jane Eyre, and starting on the new film with Viggo.
And meanwhile, Jonah Hex is mere days away!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Pure - A short film of Visual Clichés
Pure from Jacob Bricca on Vimeo.
Jacob Briccas short film "Pure" is a montage of visual movie clichés: "A meditation on genre, a commentary on visual cliches, and a celebration of the visceral pleasures of cinema. Music by The Jesus Lizard.
Awesome editing!!!
Devin & Glenn Get Married
If you disagree with the homosexual lifestyle, why not overturn prop8 and make them get married, like the rest of us?
Love this!!!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Surface from Patrick Lawler on Vimeo.
"A short love story ... filmed inside a 1x2ft fish tank."
Hat tip: Daily Dish