At the annual gala night honoring Tom Hanks at the Lincoln Center:
Yep, we like Julia in R movies.
Hat tip: Awards Daily
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Julia Roberts Really LOVES Tom Hanks
Second Grader's Fashion Tips in GQ
GQ has the fashion tips for spring by Arlo Weiner, son of Mad Men creator Matt Weiner, an 8 year old second grader who has now been featured twice in GQ and had a big writeup in the LA Times. He's been known to wear a tuxedo to school and loves frock coats (something he saw in the movie Dorian Gray). He's GQ's youngest correspondent and his look is pre-pubescent dandy, something like Royal Tennenbaums meets Masterpiece Theatre.
Arlo Weiner, who's made headlines for his impeccable self-styling at the age of eight, is back with fashion tips for spring. First and most importantly, the son of Mad Men creator Matt Weiner warns against using warm weather as an excuse to be sloppy. “I like being fancy,” Weiner says. “A seersucker suit is great in summer.” Shorts? Definitely not. “You can wear shorts if you have to but only if it’s really really broiling hot. I only wear shorts if I’m going on vacation to a hot place like Palm Springs.”
Even in L.A., a city where half the populace dresses to be noticed, Arlo stands out. A favorite story in the Weiner family is the time perma-cool rocker Beck followed Arlo down the street, so taken was he by the kid’s head-to-toe plaid.
Check out his wardrobe in the first GQ article.
Here's Arlo's Tips for Spring in GQ including this seersucker suit:
“A seersucker suit is great in summer. It’s a way to be fancy without being hot. I just got one from Brooks Brothers. You don’t need a special reason to wear it—in spring and summer I’ll wear it on any occasion.
Asked about the attention he gets with his wardrobe, Arlo noted that someone dressed up like him at the Purim carnival. (lol!)
When it's pointed out that he must enjoy the attention he gets from, say, strolling into a fashion week party sporting a monocle, tweed jacket and bow tie, Arlo half-smiles like an 8-year-old with his hand caught in the cookie jar. "I don't like it," he says, "but I don't dislike it either."
I don't think Arlo would have approved of the faded t-shirt, sweatpants and old tennis shoes my second grader wore today! I have a feeling Arlo is the next Isaac Mizrahi!
Hat tip: Daily Beast
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Elizabeth Banks talks about 17 Again and its subliminal message
Elizabeth Banks saw 17 Again, and just like me, it's because she's crushing a bit on Zac Efron:
I went to see 17 Again this past weekend. Not because I have an 11-year-old daughter. Not because I am an HSM fan -- never seen it! No, I plunked down my soft-earned money for this flick for one reason: I am a 3?-year-old woman inappropriately lustful for Zac Efron (Ya got me, media, especially you, GQ! [see above]). Zac Efron did not disappoint. He's charming, makes use of many fingers while "twirling a basketball" (you get it) and looks great with his shirt off (some term that "star power"). At one point, I drooled.
But she notes that the message of the movie is don't worry if you get pregnant at 18 because everything will all work out. Only Margaret Cho as the Sex Ed teacher says Abstinence, yeah right, and proceeds to pass out condoms.
Here's the thing though -- the message of the movie seemed to be (and again, I may just be reading too much into the twirling fingers thing): knocking up your high school sweetheart is A-OK! Especially if you give up that Syracuse scholarship to marry her! F College!
...the satire was above the pay grade of the 8 year-old sitting behind me. I'm pretty sure he/she (what's with all the long hair?) saw the movie like this: out-of-wedlock teenage pregnancy leads to falling off a bridge into a magic tornado, inappropriate dancing between a MILF and the star of HSM, buying cool Ray Bans with your rich friend's Black Amex, winning back the girl and, finally, running through a magic tunnel that makes your clothes suddenly fit you even though you just instantly gained 40 pounds.
Read the whole thing at Huffington Post!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
17 Again - Mini-review
I think we have established that I have a thing about high school movies. I also have a thing about these body transformation/time travel movies like Big, Peggy Sue Gets Married, Freaky Friday (both!), 13 Going on 30. Love 'em. Just love 'em.
So, I went by myself to see 17 Again starring Zac Efron. My sons wouldn't be caught dead going with me. The kid can act, and he's got that star quality thing going. I did not have an audience full of teen girls, so no squeals were heard when practically the opening scene showed Zac Efron shirtless. I felt like we were going through the Zac checklist: shirtless - check, playing basketball even though he's 5'9" - check, dance number - check. No singing this time!
Zac plays the younger Matthew Perry who wishes he could be 17 again, back when his life was good. Bill Murray's brother Brian plays the mysterious janitor who sends him back into his body, as it was circa 1989. There are a few of those Back to the Future cringe moments when his wife is crushing on his 17 year old bod, and his daughter tries to put the moves on him. Leslie Mann, who plays his wife who is about to divorce him, is just fantastic in whatever she does. It's all very sweet as he connects with his kids, and has some very funny moments. Some of the most laugh out loud moments for me involved the sub-plot romance between the nerdy, but rich, best friend Ned and the school principal. Ned has a house full of Star Wars memorabilia and on their dinner date, they realize they are meant for each other when they start speaking Elvish from Lord of the Rings to each other! As a woman who has a husband with a Klingon desk -- well, let's just say I found their nerdy romance a riot!
Three stars for me, but as I said, I'm a sucker for these types of movies. You won't be slitting your wrists if a kid drags you to it, at least!
Found this very funny clip of Leslie Mann on the Ellen show talking about kissing Zac:
"Michael Douglas - I get it now!" ROFLMAO!!
Adam Trailer!!
Finally! The trailer to my favorite film from Sundance, Adam, starring Hugh Dancy and Rose Byrne. Hugh Dancy stars as a young man with Asperger's syndrome in a very touching romance. Read my review from the Sundance premiere here. Adam will be out July 29.
Drop Dead Russell?
Was Drop Dead Fred really crying out for a remake? /Film reports:
Universal Pictures has announced that they are developing a remake of Drop Dead Fred for Russell Brand to star in. Saturday Night Live writer Dennis McNicholas has been hired to develop the project for Brand. McNicholas most recently wrote Land of the Lost for Will Ferrell and director Brad Silberling. THR says the plan is to remake the movie in the tone of Beetlejuice, “building a universe around the concept of imaginary friends.” Whatever that means.
Well, I can definitely see Russell Brand as a maniacal imaginary friend, but I wish he was doing something else.
UDPATE: Russell Tweeted this morning:
Drop Dead Fred - true. Arthur - true, Kinky Bible - a film I will never make.Russell in an Arthur remake is definitely something I'd like to see!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Snakes on a Plane - The TV Edit - The famous line
"I have HAD it with these Monkey Fighting Snakes!"
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Paging Dr. Scarpetta
Fox Studios have scored a coup. They got Patricia Cornwell to agree to film adaptations based on ALL 16 of her best-selling Dr. Kay Scarpetta novels. They key was a personal visit by Angelina Jolie herself to the author.
Cornwell changed her mind about a film franchise after meeting with Jolie and producer Geyer Kosinki to discuss the project, according to the report. She is said to be playing a key role in the development of the first film.Demi Moore was set to star in a film adaptation in the 90's that went nowhere.
The report says the film series will be modelled after the Jason Bourne films, starring Matt Damon. Plots from many Bourne stories, originally written by Robert Ludlum, were merged into the first three films.
I think this is a great matchup. Scarpetta is a coroner and medical examiner who I can definitely see Jolie playing, and thrillers like this are great vehicles for her.
First pic of Michael Fassbender in Centurion
Empire magazine has some shots from the set of the upcoming film Centurion. This one shows Michael Fassbender on the run from some savage Picts.
...the story sees a Roman legion venture north of Hadrian's Wall and encounter some very unfriendly natives. For another, it may feature dudes in leather skirts and helmets, but it's also a horror movie, with the Romans being picked off in the woods. And thirdly, it's the second film in a row for Marshall that centres around a team venturing through a wall into Scotland and really regretting it.Centurion is due out later this year.
Listen to a short interview with Michael on set where he discusses Centurion and the upcoming Jonah Hex:
Michael Fassbender has also recently been attached to Sebastian Faulks Birdsong which is set in WWI and sounds similar to the English Patient with an affair with a married woman. Birdsong starts filming in August
David Slade named as director of Eclipse
Summit continues in their schedule to crank out the Twilight saga films. They've picked a director for Eclipse, the third book in the series -- David Slade who has directed the edgy Hard Candy and 30 Days of Night. He is an upcoming British director and is also attached to adapt Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere.
"I am thrilled that David Slade will be directing 'Eclipse,' " said Meyer. "He's a visionary filmmaker who has so much to offer this franchise. From the beginning, we've been blessed with wonderful directorial talent for the 'Twilight' saga, and I'm so happy that 'Eclipse' will be carrying on with that tradition."
Slade has a reputation among the fanboys, and may bring in more male viewers to this installment. Cinematical reacts:
Might not be the first guy to pop in your head, but he's obviously capable of delivering believable vampires (and Josh Hartnett as someone you want to root for in a film -- big points for that) while upping the tension, and he's definitely the kind of guy who could bring more male moviegoers to the franchise. Sh*t, I kinda want to see the film now.
I haven't seen any of Slade's work, but I remember the buzz about Hard Candy, the film Ellen Page did before Juno with Patrick Wilson where she turns the tables on a pedophile. It was said to be very intense.
ET visits New Moon set
Entertainment Tonight visited the New Moon set, and we get some of our first looks at filming. They interviewed Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson and you even get to hear Mary Hart say "Woof!" about how much muscle Taylor put on!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Del Toro writes new Vampire book
Guillermo Del Toro isn't busy enough directing Lovely Bones and starting production on The Hobbit, not to mention producing other movies. He's now authored a new vampire novel due out June 2 called The Strain which is the first in a trilogy co-authored with Chuck Hogan. The above is an interview to promote the book and the new series.
Twilight this ain't, as it sounds like it will be a true horror book. With his genius creative imagination, I can only begin to imagine how great it will be. Will we get some illustrations from his famous notebooks, I wonder?
I Love You, Man Mini-review
How do I love the movie I Love You, Man? Let me count the ways. First, I just adore Paul Rudd in whatever movie he is in. My crush on Paul started with Clueless way back in 1995. He could have continued in that vein and been the sweet boyfriend in light films, but he's had an interesting career including choosing to do theater on Broadway after Clueless instead. Recently, he's become part of the Judd Appatow stable, and had memorable supporting roles in Knocked Up, 40 Year Old Virgin and Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Forgetting Sarah Marshall showed the chemistry between Rudd's surf instructor and Jason Segel. It was inspired to cast them in a bromance.
Paul Rudd's Peter is a girlfriend guy who draws a blank at who will be his best man at his upcoming wedding. He actively tries to find a new best friend, and meets Segel's Sydney at an open house he's hosting. They bond over fish tacos and their love of the band Rush.
I have not laughed out loud so hard at the movies in a long time. It was hilarious and sweet at the same time. Jon Favreau has a very funny small part as the husband of one of Rudd's fiancee's friends.
My own husband went through something similar to Rudd's character when we moved to our town. It's much more difficult, it seems, for guys to make new friends. I had the mom thing to bond with other women I met, but for him it took more time.
I give I Love You, Man three and a half stars and a strong recommendation. You will laugh your ass off!
I'm very excited that Jason Segel wrote a spinoff to Forgetting Sarah Marshall for Russell Brand's rock star character Aldous Snow. Get Him to the Greek is due out in 2010.
Beyonce 100 Single Ladies Flash-Dance Piccadilly Circus, London for Trident Unwrapped
Loving these viral dance ads! This one is for Trident and filmed in London.
Michael Sheen Tweets!
I was pointed to Michael Sheen's new Twitter account by Neil Gaiman.
reluctantly getting a twitter profile as someone is pretending to be me. the f***er will rue the day...
@malisarugbygod never been a vampire before so will let you know. Always found most people a mixture of hero and villain.
by the way, met the real Blair for first time last Sunday!! very peculiar
Going for the Field of Dreams tactic on the followers. Actually, now slightly missing the air of mystery i had.
@charley_d perhaps Aro wishes he was a school janitor.
just had hair and make-up meeting for mystery film i cant talk about yet. i am going to look FREAKY!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Meet the New Moon Wolf Pack
Meet the Native American actors who are Jacob's wolf pack in New Moon:
Four actors — Chaske Spencer, Alex Meraz, Kiowa Gordon and Bronson Pelletier, all with Native American heritage — join Taylor Lautner, 17, who returns as a hairier, scarier Jacob Black.
Among wolf pack job requirements: the ability to work half-naked no matter what the weather in the Vancouver, B.C., area, where the film has been shooting for several weeks.
"It's not pleasant for the actors," says director Chris Weitz. "But they have all been good-natured. They show up on location in drenching, cold rain, and I say, 'OK, off with the robes.' "
J.J. Abrams' Mystery Box
J. J. Abrams' talk at the TED conference. All about the mystery -- which is certainly a theme in his work!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Queen Bohemian Rhapsody Old School Computer Remix
An HP ScanJet 3C fills in for Queen's Freddie Mercury on lead vocals, while a Texas Instrument TI-99/4a takes Brian May's job as lead guitar. Accompanying organ and piano is an Atari 800XL, and an 8-inch floppy disk replaces Jon Deacon on bass. Roger Taylor's percussion is meanwhile faithfully recreated by a 3.5-inch hard drive.
The scanner, however, was recorded four separate times to accommodate for lead and backing vocals in the song.
Oi Va Voi "Everytime"
Oi Va Voi "Everytime" from Katarzyna Kijek on Vimeo.
Video made by Katarzyna Kijek & Przemysław Adamski.
Video made with shredding machine. Every third frame of the footage was printed, shredded and shot three times blended with adjacent frames by different stripes configuration.
Hat tip: Andrew Sullivan
Drew Barrymore is a lock for the Emmy
I watched Grey Gardens on HBO last night on my DVR. I had seen clips, and she nails it from the short clips I've seen of the original documentary. Watch the same "costume of the day" clip from the 1975 documentary and you'll see what I mean:
Frankly, I didn't think Drew had it in her to do the range that she shows in this movie. As she says in this interview with Ellen, she's known as the "romantic comedy girl", but she knew she could do more, and fought for this dramatic role. She nails the accent, and all the nuance.
For those who don't know what Grey Gardens is, it was a 1975 documentary about two eccentric women: Edith Bouvier Beale, aunt to Jackie Bouvier Kennedy and "Little Edie", her daughter. Little Edie was a debutante, and for years lived in squalor with her mother at their house in the Hamptons called Grey Gardens. After the health department forced their way into the house after complaints from neighbors, they found the women with a house with no heat, no running water, stacks of garbage and countless cats and racoons. Articles and pictures forced their relative Jackie Onassis to make the house livable for them. After her mother died, Little Edie sold the house to Ben Bradlee who extensively renovated it. The original documentary is a cult classic, and Edie became a gay icon. There was also a Grey Gardens musical on Broadway starring Christine Ebersole which won three Tonys.
In the HBO film, Jessica Lange plays Edith Bouvier Beale, and both actresses play the women over a span of decades. Daniel Baldwin plays Edie's married lover, and Jeanne Tripplehorn plays Jackie Kennedy Onassis. It is just an excellent film, and if you don't get HBO, I highly recommend you rent it when it comes out on DVD.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Seth Rogen 1996 Stand Up Comedy
He's only 13!!! (And very adorable!)
He said he wrote Superbad when he was 13, and now, I believe him.
Maximus Hood - back to fighting trim
USA Today has a first look picture of Russell Crowe in Robin Hood, with a haircut and physique very much like his look in Gladiator. He's lost the weight he gained for Body of Lies, and I guess that long hairdo he sported in State of Play which I thought was for Robin Hood was jettisoned.
Producer Brian Grazer compared Crowe to his Gladiator look and says about the film:
Grazer says Robin Hood's story was ripe for revisiting.Even Helen Mirren in State of Play seems to be thinking "Get a grip and pull yourself together. You look like a slob!"
"Oddly, it's a metaphor for today," Grazer says. "He's trying to create equality in a world where there are a lot of injustices. He's a crusader for the people, trying to reclaim some of the ill-gotten gains of the wealthy. That's a universal theme."

Below Russell last week in NYC, and chubby hubby Crowe last October:
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Philips Carousel Commercial - Adam Berg
Click on the video picture to see it full size on YouTube. Obviously influenced by Dark Knight. Very Cool!
Friday, April 17, 2009
New Awesome Trailer for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince!
Harry Potter will release two days earlier on Wednesday, July 15th! Can't wait!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Forbidden Fruits Twilight Candy
Cinematical has a great post on some of the crazy new Twilight merchandise out. I had not heard about the new Forbidden Fruits Candy:
The latest tie-in comes from the makers of Sweethearts (aka Conversation Hearts) and go by the ridiculously awesome name of 'Forbidden Fruits'. But these are not your mom's Sweethearts; these babies are covered in glitter and have Twilight themed quotes like 'Bite Me', 'Lamb', and 'I Trust You' written on them.
And check out the Edward Cullen body glitter. Yeah, if you walk into any Hot Topic store, you will be overwhelmed with all the Twilight stuff!!

BitchPleeze blogger reviews movies on SNL
I swear I'm not too much like that. Wait, I AM drinking a drink with a straw.... too bad Zac Efron isn't looking over my shoulder!
Hugh Jackman dancing on Spanish TV
The man is promoting his little heart out for Wolverine in Spain. That's some dancing!!
Read to me, Paul Rudd
The thumbnail picture is funky, but the video plays fine.
ABC News did a segment on the 60th anniversary of Harlequin books, having Paul Rudd, George Will(!!), Wolfgang Puck and Seth Rogen, among others, read from steamy bodice rippers. That's one business that's doing better in the recession. Yes, I'll escape to another world for $8, thank you!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
It's Dr. Manhattan!
From CNN:
New photographs released by NASA have captured images of a vast stellar formation resembling a human hand reaching across space.
The image, taken by NASA's space-based Chandra Observatory telescope, shows an X-ray nebula 150 light years across.
It shows what appear to be ghostly blue fingers -- thumb and pinky clearly discernible from index, ring and middle digits -- reaching into a sparkling cloud of fiery red.
NASA says the display is caused by a young and powerful pulsar, known by the rather prosaic name of PSR B1509-58.
"The pulsar is a rapidly spinning neutron star which is spewing energy out into the space around it to create complex and intriguing structures, including one that resembles a large cosmic hand," NASA says.
The space agency says B1509 -- created by a collapsed star -- is one of the most powerful electromaginetic generators in the Galaxy. The nebula is formed by a torrent of electrons and ions emitted by the 1,700-year-old phenomenon.
The finger-like structures are apparently caused by "energizing knots of material in a neighboring gas cloud," NASA says.
Jason Statham in Diabetes
He had his heart stolen in Crank 2, but now Jason Statham faces his biggest challenge yet! LOL!
Last week an audience in Austin was treated to a surprise showing of the new Star Trek movie when Leonard Nimoy came out at what they thought was going to be Wrath of Khan. The audience gave the new Star Trek a five minute standing ovation, and it received a similar reception at it's official world premiere in Sydney, Australia. Color me excited at the great buzz rising about this film. It's so nice to have something live up to the incredibly high expectations of fans with the legacy of Star Trek.
Less than a month to wait!! Yesterday it was announced that the studio will have showings starting at 7 p.m. May 7th, so no need to stay up for the midnight showing.
Monday, April 13, 2009
One reason I'm excited Michael Sheen will be Aro
Because he brings the same enthusiasm to whatever project he's doing, and he respects fantasy genre films. Harry Knowles twittered the link to this December interview with Michael from Ain't It Cool News, and only Michael could in one breath link Arthur Miller's Crucible with Underworld 3:
Beaks: Shifting gears dramatically, when you do something like UNDERWORLD: RISE OF THE LYCANS, and you've got to do these huge dramatic speeches... I don't want to say that it's silly, but it does have to unabashedly be what it is. It's grander and more steeped in genre conventions.
Sheen: There is absolutely no difference for me.
Beaks: None?
Sheen: None. There's absolutely no difference between FROST/NIXON, THE QUEEN and UNDERWORLD 3. It's a story. I put as much work into both. I try to be as truthful and believable, as complex and as rich in both. There's nothing intrinsically more real about the character of David Frost or the character of Lucian: they're both just characters in a story. It requires absolutely no different process for me. I think what it does is reveal people's attitudes toward genre films; I think it reveals a snobbishness of culture. I mean, some of the best writing of the last century has happened in science fiction. One of my favorite writers is Philip K. Dick. One of my other favorite writers is Neil Gaiman. And Stephen King. These are people who, to a certain extent, don't get the literary kudos they deserve - and they're dealing with some of the biggest themes and subjects of what it's like to be a human being in the twentieth and twenty-first century.
Maybe they're made more palatable for people. There are things in THE DARK KNIGHT that are profound truths about our society. And that fact that it was a huge blockbuster - that kids went back again and again - is good! So just because something is on a more fantastic plateau doesn't make it any less valuable. Some of the most moving experiences I've ever had is watching things like LORD OF THE RINGS or THE MATRIX movies. It's not the genre. It's how well it's handled. And while I haven't seen UNDERWORLD 3 yet, the process was incredibly challenging and exciting for all kinds of reasons. I was excited by it because it was about something that I connected with about the human experience. I think people would be foolish to dismiss fairy tales or myths because they're not directed by Sidney Lumet or something.
Beaks: Like you said, it's how the genre is handled. Some of our greatest living actors were in LORD OF THE RINGS. And Olivier was in CLASH OF THE TITANS, so...
Sheen: You know, I loved the character of Lucian in the first [UNDERWORLD]. I think there's something complex going on inside of him. I love the idea that he's set up as the bad guy and then by the end you're like, "Oh, he's not the bad guy." Again, like I said about Arthur Miller, I'm drawn to those things: the ambiguity of right and wrong, good and evil. In this third film, because it's about [Lucian] and how he came to be the character that he is, that's what I was fascinated about; he's this man who's in denial in something about himself, who's fighting against something he's scared of within himself. And unless he makes peace with this, it will destroy him. And how he turns into a leader of men... I don't know, I just like that. (Laughs) I connected with it, and thought it gave space for a really interesting journey. I find that my imagination is fired by things when they go outside the norm. That's why I love science-fiction: not because it's an escape; it's a different way of engaging with my experiences in life.
I also didn't know that Michael was in Alice In Wonderland -- but not as the Cheshire Cat (which would have been perfect). Read the rest of the interview here!
William Hurt now in Robin Hood
The Hollywood Reporter is carrying the latest casting news surrounding Ridley Scott’s Robin Hood with word William Hurt will play William Marshall, the Earl of Pembroke, a historical figure who was one of the most powerful men in Europe. Marshall was a servant to the Plantagenet kings and one of the best jousters of the era.
I was reminded what a great badass William Hurt can be because we rented The Incredible Hulk and watched it this past weekend since my husband had missed it in theaters. William Hurt going mano a mano with Russell Crowe should be good fun!
New Trailer for The Ugly Truth
THE UGLY TRUTH trailer in HD
Due out July 24th!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Michael Sheen to be Aro in New Moon!!
UPDATE: It's confirmed by Variety! Hurray!!
The Daily Mail is reporting that Michael Sheen has been cast as Aro in New Moon. Being a tabloid paper that has jumped the gun and been wrong before, I'll only fully trust it when we get word from Summit probably tomorrow, but color me THRILLED this Easter morning. The Easter Bunny has been very kind to me with this present today!!
Supposedly Chris Weitz, director of New Moon, really pursued Michael for the part. Reported by The Mail, he's getting 5 million pounds to play Aro. We all know that Michael has lots of experience with vampires, playing Lucian the Lycan in all three Underworld films. He even made love to one in a VERY memorable scene in Underworld 3 (due out on DVD May 12).
“Michael’s role is so important because he’s the head of all vampires,” Weitz told The Mail. “Aro is, on the surface, a very gracious and friendly vampire, but beneath that he is a tremendous threat.”
I'm doing cartwheels right now. Yes, Ben Barnes pursued the role, and would have been great, too, but Michael gives it that gravitas, and he's also sexy as hell.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Wicker Man meets Beethoven's Fifth
Let the mocking of Nic Cage carry on!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
See Africa Differently - Michael Sheen
Michael Sheen practices a good news message for See Africa Differently. The director thinks the video will be more 'on message' if he doesn't do it as David Frost in this funny video.
"I don't think the Academy would agree with you!" LOL!
Billy Bob Thornton 'Blow Up' on Q TV
Billy Bob Thornton throws a fit because the interviewer DARES to introduce him as an Oscar winning actor and screenwriter. The interviewer asks only music questions about the band, but Billy Bob gets very offended and bizarre - "Would you ask Tom Petty that?!"
Disney Templates
Some striking similarities -- seemed the animators used the same stuff over and over in different movies.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Nicolas Cage loves Pachinko!
OMG. He's got an Academy Award, and don't you think he deserves the equivalent for advertising for these Japanese Pachinko game ads? LOL!
These are the 5 japanese commercials nick cage did for Sankyo. Sankyo is a maker of Pachinko a japanese pin ball/ slot machine game. Players get silver balls which can be traded for prizes.
Hat tip: EW Popwatch
Cinematic Peeps
Another Peep Contest! Cinematical points us to the movie themed Peeps dioramas at The Washington Post
Star Trek Tribbles episode:
A Christmas Story:
No Country For Old Peeps:
Monday, April 6, 2009
Rupert Grint's Cherrybomb Trailer
Rupert Grint's growing up, and trying to shed his good boy Ron Weasley image a bit in Cherrybomb.
The film debuted at the Berlin International Film Festival in February, but has yet to be picked up for a formal domestic release. The film follows teenagers Luke (Robert Sheehan), Malachy (Grint) and Michelle (Kimberley Nixon) as they embark on a wild weekend of drink, drugs, shop-lifting and stealing cars. But what starts out as a game turns deadly serious when the three discover that they can’t get off the wild ride they’ve set in motion.
Would Dumbledore approve?
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Chippendales Dancers
This is how you know you are loved. When your friend makes this for you!! Hope it brightens your day like it did mine!
Mwah Kaione!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Hugh Jackman Naked
The Wolverine movie, in a nearly complete version with some unfinished effects, has leaked on the internet. Perez has some screen shots for us of Hugh Jackman emerging naked from the lab. View the galery of 15 shots here!
Fame remake trailer
No, the studios never have an original idea. Fame has been remade and is due out in September. Debbie Allen will be the principal, and teachers include
Bebe Neuwirth, Megan Mullally and Kelsey Grammer. Watch the trailer here exclusively on Moviefone.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Bruno Trailer is here!
This is the red band so it is most definitely NSFW!!
Green Porno
Isabella Rossellini has been making short films called Green Porno for the Sundance Channel. Each little film is about a minute long and describes the mating practices of insects and sea creatures. I refrained from showing her in whale costume complete with erect six foot long penis, but let me tell ya, Whale is a don't miss episode! Above she is in costume in Starfish.
Here's Spider from last year's insect series, Green Porno 1!
Cut Movie - Keira Knightley
Filmed with the same director as Pride and Prejudice and Atonement.
Keira said: 'I wanted to take part in this advert for Women's Aid because while domestic violence exists in every section of society we rarely hear about it."
The ad debuts on April 6 in the UK.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Zack Snyder to try his hand at a Rom Com
After production on his all girl film, Sucker Punch, Zack Snyder is going to try his hand at a romantic comedy. He's got Amanda Seyfreid signed already, and word is out that he's trying to convince Robert Pattinson to take the male lead.
"I was so disappointed that Amanda had to drop out of Sucker Punch, so I'll be looking forward to working with her for my first comedy. If we can work the scheduling, getting Robert would be awesome. If not, I'd love to work with Michael Cera."
Check out the interview with Zack here!
April Fools'!
Hurray! A sequel to Eastern Promises is in the works
This is awesome news. MTV interviewed David Cronenberg, the director of Eastern Promises, and he says he's working on putting together a sequel to Eastern Promises, for which Viggo Mortensen earned an Oscar nomination playing Russian gangster Nikolai.
The big twist at the end of 2007’s “Eastern Promises”—that Viggo Mortensen’s character, a Russian gangster named Nikolai, is really working for a British intelligence service—raised as many questions as it answered.
Cronenberg has never had any interest in revisiting his work -- and little of it ever has the loose ends that Eastern Promises did. "It's the first time I've ever been in a situation where I actually want to do a sequel to something. I've never had the desire to do that before. But in this case, I thought we had unfinished business with those characters. I didn't feel that we had finished with Nikolai and we had done a lot of research that was more than we could stuff into that one movie."I hope Naomi Watts is back, too, but whatever the script is, I'm sure it will be great. You certainly left that movie wanting to know even more about Viggo's character and what made him the man he was. Viggo's Russian prison style tattoos were a long lasting type, and scared Russian immigrants who saw him with them off set!
Paul Bettany is now Priest
A film version of the graphic novels of the Priest was originally slated to star Gerard Butler, but that version of the project fell apart a couple of years ago. The project has been revived with Paul Bettany due to star.
Billed as a horror Western, ‘Prist’ is set in a world ravaged by centuries of war between man and vampire and follows a warrior priest (Bettany) who turns against the church to track down a murderous band of vampires who have kidnapped his niece.
Visual Effects artist Scott Stewart is directing, and he and Bettany just finished the thriller Legion.