Thursday, May 1, 2008

Eric Bana - Full Frontal!

Got you going, didn't I? Actually, Full Frontal was the name of the sketch comedy show that Eric Bana starred in back in Australia. I was curious if I could find any comedy clips of Eric from back in the day. Do a YouTube search on Eric Bana comedy or Eric Bana Full Frontal and there is a treasure trove of clips. I've picked a couple good ones. Eric's most famous character was evidently Peter or Poida. Can't hardly make out a word he's saying, but the crowd loves it!

Not a sex object? LOL

and Eric doing one of his famous impressions:


  1. Why do I like this Eric Bana better? Maybe it's the accent! LOL
    Thanks, Mel...I will have to check out more of this Eric Bana on You Tube!

  2. Eric Bana playing with dolls! Hilarous, although I can't understand much of what he is saying either. LOL Flux
