Wednesday, May 21, 2008

New Wanted Featurette!

Looks extremely cool! Love the letters from the keyboard when he quits his job!


  1. Had no idea this was from a graphic novel with a Scottish writer. How wonderful that a James could be in this movie too. Love the interview with the writer..."little swearie words" looks brilliant! Thanks Mel!

  2. I didn't know it was a Scottish author either, although I think I knew it was a graphic novel adaptation (isn't everything nowadays?) I missed the author saying "swearie words" the first time, so I had to watch it again! The author's excitement that they didn't screw up his book, but made it come to life even more cool was the best part of the video.

  3. Hello,
    Nice video about new wanted feature
    Historical period films are those that are set in the background of a historical period with some exceptions
