Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fun interview with Thandie Newton

The Scotsman has a very fun interview with Thandie Newton who co-stars with Gerard Butler in the upcoming RocknRolla. She worked with Guy Ritchie on making her character tough in the movie:

USUALLY cast in sympathetic roles, Thandie Newton gets to show her wicked side in the upcoming RocknRolla. Guy Ritchie's return to the scene of the crime genre has plenty of stylised violence and machine-gun dialogue, and at its centre is Newton playing an egg so hardboiled that even 300's Gerard Butler cracks up in her presence.

"The character was written strong in the first half and then just dwindled away when it had gotten more serious so I basically said, 'Look, think of me as a guy.' From the middle of the movie to the end, I would change things and he was totally open to it, and that was so liberating, because it's his material. He just said, 'All right, this is your character. I may have written it one way, but I want you to do what you want."
My favorite part of the interview, though, was when she described playing a prank on Simon Pegg who she co-starred in Run, Fatboy Run:
"The annoying thing is that Simon would never react. Even when I'd sewn up the top of his T-shirt and knew he'd been struggling with it in his trailer like a tortoise trying to get its head out, he just wouldn't let on because he knew I was watching."

She finally got the response she was looking for by arriving at the film junket hours beforehand, emptying every one of the 12 bottles of water he had in his TV interview room, then refilling them with neat vodka: "On camera, he took a swig and – phwoooooh."

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