Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hugh Jackman Shower Scene in Australia

Thank you Baz Luhrmann.

I first watched this scene open mouthed during Grey's Anatomy last week. They replayed it during Oprah (with one woman fanning herself making Hugh Jackman turn beet red) and on GMA. I can't find a version I can embed, but just trust me. You MUST watch this clip. Still wondering why I can't wait for this movie? Hubba hubba. All hail to the new Clark Gable.

Here's the GMA interview, but they talk over the clip. Very amusing how they show Hugh Nicole talking about how "impressive" Hugh's chest was when he took off his shirt!

Also, I was very amused that Hugh brought Tim Tam cookies for all of Oprah's audience. My favorites since our Australia visit. (You can get them at World Market.)


  1. holy WOW he was soo sexy in that scene ;D. But I miss that little bit at the end that they cut out at the clip, when he pulls down his pants a little bit ... SO HOT
