Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tag! You're It!

There's a new Tag game going around, and the rules are simple:

Open the book nearest to you and open to page 123. Then post the 5th sentence. Very simple.

Darling Diva tagged me, and the closest book to me is Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr. Darling Diva recommended it to me and I am loving it! It's a book about fairies. Creepy, not very nice fairies. Diva and I lurve those paranormal and vampire books! A lot of the exciting writing these days is happening in the young adult genre, and I'm glad Diva has hooked me in to some great ones like this one and Twilight by Stephenie Meyer.

"Mortal habits change faster than ours."

Now, my turn to Tag. Not all have blogs or websites, so post on your Facebook wall. Post your sentence to the comments, too.

Kaione, BluEyedDaizy, Sooth, Josh, & HDKingsbury


  1. The book I have closest, and just finished reading while at the hospital this morning(waiting while Mom underwent her knee replacement surgery) is one called BADGER'S MOON by Peter Tremayne, a historical mystery in his wonderful Sister Fidelma series.

    The fifth line is:

    "I believe that is the local name for them," replied the other gravely.

  2. Have ya ever wondered why the #4 is not included in this search?? We got to 123 then...check on sentence #5. I just pondered on this while checking your post. Hmm....I guess I will never know.

    I am so very happy that you are enjoying Wicked Lovely. It is such a great story. The continuation of Seth and Ash's story is called Fragile Eternity and it will come out some time next year. I am to have coffee with Melissa Marr when she comes out to RWA this month. I will get you all the deats that I can. Any questions you may have for me to ask her, let me know.

  3. Pretty cool tag idea. Well, I don't have a blog or Facebook account so I'll just leave my sentence here if that's alright. It's from "Lisey's Story" by Stephen King:

    He says, "We can't go on living like this."
