Thursday, July 31, 2008

Hancock - mini-review

I'm way behind in my movie reviews. I took the kids to see Hancock just before we went on vacation a few weeks ago. I really enjoyed it, and I don't know why everyone has been knocking it the way they have. No, it doesn't make sense, but did Wanted? Will Smith owns the July 4th weekend. He is an international star, and has proven that people will see just about any film he makes. This was an enjoyable fresh take on the super hero genre. I especially liked the beginning parts of the film when Hancock was drunk and wrecked everything.

What I loved? Jason Bateman. I adore him. I cannot tell you how glad I am that his career has resurged after Arrested Development and Juno! He's in an upcoming film with Ricky Gervais of the UK Office called This Side of Truth. Here in Hancock, he was what made me laugh -- "Not good." I loved his relationship with Hancock as he tried to make over the train wreck of a superhero. The action sequences weren't nearly as interesting as Hancock's quieter moments with Bateman and Charlize Theron.

Charlize Theron was fine as Jason's wife and the woman with the history with Hancock. There's been some controversy over her role. Some laud the movie for being colorblind -- no one ever comments on the color of Hancock's skin. Others have questioned why Hancock's past love interest couldn't have been one of the many talented African-American actresses, or even given a shot to a newcomer? While I was watching the film, I wasn't thinking anything about Charlize except, wow, this is a far cry from Oscar fare like Monster, but I do think the critics have a point. Why can't Will Smith ever seem to be in a romantic relationship with an African-American woman in a movie?

Over all, I give the film three stars. Worth a rental, if you missed it in the theater. One my kids enjoyed, although I didn't appreciate that my seven year old was repeatedly hearing the word that makes Hancock crazy: asshole. Nice.

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