Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm in Love with the Pie Maker

Pushing Daisies is not doing extraordinarily well in the ratings this fall. The long hiatus because of the writers' strike did not help at all. I just adore this show, and have from the very beginning. Lee Pace is beyond dreamy as Ned, the pie maker. It's a quirky sweet show with a unique universe that reminds you in a way of a Tim Burton movie. It is like watching a mini-movie every week. Here's how one of the producer's described it:

I think that viewers want to watch a program where they can escape from their own personal worlds and find themselves in our characters’ charming universe. The show takes place in modern times, but it really occurs in a timeless version of today where the characters don’t use cell phones, computers, or other technology. I feel very fortunate to be a part of something where I can visit the set, watch these incredibly gifted actors take already wonderful lines and enhance them to match the show’s innate quirkiness.

If you've never seen the show, here's a short summary of the story so far:

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