Sunday, April 13, 2008

What the Buck!

My favorite YouTuber is Michael Buckley. He has two channels: WHATTHEBUCKSHOW and Peron75. He is hilarious and a definite energy shot to my day. Living in the 'burbs, I don't have the gay friends I used to have in college. Watching Buck and his bitchy videos fill that gap just a bit. I also love that he posts so often! He's a recent winner in the YouTube video awards for comedy, and is one of the top comedians on the site.

On WHATTHEBUCKSHOW he comments on the Entertainment biz. He watches reality shows, so you don't have to! I don't even watch most of the shows he comments on, but it's hilarious anyway hearing his rundowns of the shows. Peron75 channel is a little calmer and more a regular vlog. His website Buck Hollywood is linked to the right in my favorite sites. Here's a sampler of his two recent videos:

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