Monday, March 23, 2009

Christopher Walken Twitters


Christopher Walken twitters. Who knew? And it's hilarious! Here are some of his recent posts:

There's a kid on a Pogo stick in front of my house. It's nearly midnight so let's assume he's been drinking. This should end well for him.

The Pope is in Africa "reaffirming the ban on condom use." His old stuff was funnier. I don't get this new material. Too edgy for my taste.

A dog walked by wearing a frilly sweater. The neighbor kid laughed and said, "That's gay!" He meant the cardigan, I think. Not the dog.

She said, "What if you really are you?" and that blew my mind. Okay, it didn't blow my mind. It feels like a good answer though.

No. I'm not really Tina Fey. That was an odd question but I applaud its random nature.

I buy a bottle of Green Tea with ginseng nearly every day but I don't remember why. I don't like tea and can barely taste the ginseng.

A kid was just now crying about a leaking balloon. I told him it was going to pop eventually anyway. He said, "Shut up, mister!" Smart kid.

A curious man asked if I was waiting for something as I stood on the curb. I said, "No. I'm ice fishing." Oddly enough he accepted that.

Tina Fey is a handsome woman and I can tell she knows that. Mickey Rourke would seem to think that he's a handsome woman as well. He's not.



  1. ROFLMAO!!! This is TOO GOOD to be true. But even if it's not, I DON'T CARE! I love it!!! LOL!

  2. It's real. I read about it in Daily Dish and Salon. Walken's Twitter is used as an example of why Twitter has value:

    The American Prospect's Adam Serwer says that the only way someone would doubt the value of Twitter is if one has not been reading Christopher Walken's Twitter page. Having just perused it, it's hard to argue with Serwer's point.
